All you need at your service. |
roses sold here, all different colors all different kinds. |
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Is a special occasion coming up? Do you need any flowers or
chocolates to give the person as a gift? Then you have come to the right
place. Love In The Air has a variety of flowers and chocolates that serve as
a great show of love. We offer all
kind of service. All you need to do is give us a call and we will be at your
service. Love In The Air offers different color roses such as red, purple,
yellow, pink, and white. We also have different flavors of chocolate. We have
dark chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate. Order Now! |
Love In
The Air 845
Carnival Rd. San
Francisco, California 94101 |
To contact us: |
415-253-2748 Fax:
415-665-9923 E-mail: |